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August 2019

Congratulations to Sahil Jain of Cuttack center for securing AIR 40 and 72 marks in Financial Reporting in CA FINAL MAY 2019 Exam. Pleased to announce the following marks in Financial Report- 81, 74, 72,68, 67, 66, 62, 61, 60 and many more from our students across India.
Congratulations to all the students for the same!

August 2018

Pleased to announce AIR 33 in CA INTER MAY 2018 Exam from our classes along with following marks in Accounting - 87, 85, 83, 81, 79, 78, 77, 75, 74, 72, 71 and many more from our students across India. Congratulations to all the students for the same!

July 2018

We are pleased to announce the following marks in CA FINAL Financial Reporting scored by our students from across India:
90, 87, 85, 84, 81, 77, 76, 75, 72, 71, 70 and many more exemption marks. Congratulations to all students for the same!

February 2018

We are pleased to announce AIR 7, 9, 19, 29, 43, 45, 46 & 47 in IPCC NOV. 2017 EXAM from our classes.
Congratulations to all of them!

February 2017

Congratulations to Ms. Jigisha Khemka, Roll No. 511463 for securing AIR 15 in IPCC Nov. 2016 Exams Accounting 87
Advanced Accounting 96
Cost & FM 76

Congratulations to Mr. Ronak Dutta, Roll No. 511431
for securing AIR 25 in IPCC Nov. 2016 Exams

Congratulations to Ms. Kamodinee Bhartia, Roll No. 515231 for securing AIR 30 in IPCC Nov. 2016 Exams
Accounting 75
Advanced Accounting 77

Congratulations to Ms. Vandana Chandak, Roll No. 511501 for securing AIR 34 in IPCC Nov. 2016 Exams
Accounting 75
Advanced Accounting 76

Congratulations to Mr. Akshay Goel, Roll No. 511491 for
securing AIR 39 in IPCC Nov. 2016 Exams

February 2016

Congratulations to SUPRATEEK BOSE ROLL NO. 404659 for securing AIR 8 IN IPCC NOV. 2015 EXAMS
COST FM - 70

Congratulations to SUBHAM AGRAWAL for securing ‪#‎AIR18‬ IN IPCC NOV. 2015 EXAMS
COST FM - 87

Congratulations to MAYANK KUMAR SANTHALIA ROLL NO. 405625 for securing ‪#‎AIR20‬ IN IPCC NOV. 2015 EXAMS
COST FM - 76

Congratulations to NITIN KULSHRESHTHA ROLL NO. 443309 for securing ‪#‎AIR32‬ IN IPCC NOV. 2015 EXAMS
COST FM - 78

Congratulations to VAISHNAVI SONTHALIA for securing ‪#‎AIR49‬ IN IPCC NOV. 2015 EXAMS
COST FM - 71

Congratulations to Devaansh Rakhecha #AIR 5, student of our FINANCIALMANAGEMENT for securing 78 marks

January 2016

Congratulations to Avinash Sancheti, Roll no. 168097 student of our Financial Reporting batch in Kolkata, for securing All India ‎Rank 3‬, in CA FINAL NOV 2015 Exams. We wish him all success in his future endeavors!!!!

Congratulations to Manisha Kailash Agarwal, Roll no. 172462 student of our Financial Reporting batch in Kolkata, for securing 80 Marks in Financial Reporting in CA FINAL NOV 2015 Exams. We wish her all success in her future endeavors!!!!

December 2015

Those who wish to make a career in the field of Commerce, Finance and Management must make an informed decision. To know about the various career options, do attend the seminar on 23rd Dec at 5:30pm. The Seminar is open to all. No registration fee required. Parents and students are both welcome. More details - Click here.

February 2015

Congratulations to Adarsh Chamaria, Roll No. 406391,student of our Advanced Accounting MTTS batch, for securing All India Rank 1, in CA IPCC NOVEMBER 2014 Exams. We wish him all success in his future endeavors!!!! We are pleased to announce Cash Award of Rs.21000/- to AIR 1 Adarsh Chamaria (IPCC NOV. 2014 Examination).

  • Congratulations to Vaibhav Agarwal, Roll no. 405838 student of our Accounting, Advanced Accounting and Financial Management batch, for securing All India #Rank 4, in CA IPCC NOVEMBER 2014 Exams. We wish him all success in his future endeavors!!!!

August 2014

We are pleased to inform that Mr. Pratik Jain has stood 22nd (All India) in CA FINAL MAY 2014 Examination.

February 2014

We are pleased to inform that Mr. Rohan Gupta has stood 23rd (All India) in CA Intermediate (IPC) November 2013 examination.

We are pleased to inform that Ms.Chandni Agarwal has secured 89 marks in Accounting, 67 marks in Advanced Accounting and stood 48th (All India) in CA Intermediate (IPC) November 2013 Examination.

January 2014

We are pleased to inform that Ms. Mamta Narsaria has stood 41st (All India) in the CA Final November 2013 Examination.

We are pleased to inform that Mr. Sangram Keshari Das has secured 65 marks in Financial Reporting paper and stood 43rd (All India) in the CA Final November 2013 Examination.

Admissions open in FACE TO FACE CLASSES of CA Intermediate (IPC) Course November 2014 Exams. Admissions open in Pre recorded FAST TRACK batches for May 2014 Exams.

Admissions open in CA Final Financial Reporting Course April 2014 classes (for November 2014 exams) and February 2014 FAST TRACK classes (for November 2014 exams). Admissions open in both FACE to FACE batch and Prerecorded batches.

June 2013

Admissions open in CA IPCC Course November 2013 Exams. Students awaiting CPT results can collect the forms and submit the same after the results.

Admissions open in CA Final Financial Reporting Course April 2013 classes (for November 2013 exams) and October 2013 classes (for May 2014 exams). Admissions open in both FACE to FACE batch and Prerecorded batches.

January 2013

Admissions open in CA IPCC Course November 2013 Exams. Students awaiting CPT results can collect the forms and submit the same after the results.

Admissions open in CA Final Financial Reporting Course April 2013 classes (for November 2013 exams) and October 2013 classes (for May 2014 exams). Admissions open in both FACE to FACE batch and Prerecorded batches.

August 2012

Proud to announce that Mr. Abhishek Gupta (1st Rank, CA Final May 2012 Exams) and Mr. Mayank Saraf (8th Rank, CA Final May 2012 Exams) have been awarded 51,000/- and 21,000/- respectively. The photos of award ceremony held on 30th July 2012 are attached below: